Japan Bridge member conducted an online lecture about Syria for elementary school students in Yamaguchi Prefecture. ジャパンブリッジのメンバーが山口県の小学生にシリアについて「シリアの暮らし、文化、内戦」出前講義を開催しました。

Japan Bridge, in cooperation with JICA, and Misaki Elementary School, conducted a remote class for elementary school students in Yamaguchi prefecture.


The objective is to encourage the Japanese students to think and learn about the global crises and other cultures like the life and culture of Syria in the Middle East, the war in Syria, and to encourage children to think about what they can do to help rebuild a country damaged by civil war in SDGs concept. About 30 students of sixth grade participated in this class. Approximately 30 sixth-grade students participated in this class. This event is part of a series of volunteer-based initiatives designed to raise awareness about Syria and the Syrian crisis and foster cross-cultural communication with elementary school students in Japan through Social Studies classes.


ジャパンブリッジ メンバーは、中東・シリアの暮らしや文化を学び、内戦で傷ついた国の復興のために子どもにもできることを考えてもらおうという授業が、宇部市の小学校で行われました。JICAが開いた授業には、社会授業の6年生およそ30人が参加しました。

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