On the 11th of March, in memory of the Sendai Earthquake and Tsunami, we launched our project Japan Bridge.
After the Turkey-Syria Earthquake, a group of Syrians and Japanese decided to take action and support the Syrian families affected by the earthquake in Northwest Syria.
After several presentations by Japan Bridge members, Stand with Syria Japan (SSJ) and EmPATHy-UNHCR, we started receiving funds to support building 12 apartments for the displaced Syrians in the affected areas.
More than 100 persons attended the event, including partner NPOs and friends from all around Tokyo.
By the end of the day, we were able to secure funds for the first apartment!
We are very grateful for your generous donations and kind support!
You can read more about the campaign and out partners here:
3月11日、仙台の地震と津波を偲び、私たちはプロジェクト「Japan Bridge」を立ち上げました。
Japan Bridgeのメンバー、Stand with Syria Japan(SSJ)、EmPATHy-UNHCRによる数回のプレゼンテーションの後、被災地で避難生活を送るシリア人のための12室のアパート建設支援のための資金の提供を開始しました。